Digital Tattoo Power Supply
Dragoart Digital Power Supply. This is a real nice lower cost power supply in comparison to some of the $ 4-500 dollar ones out there. This is the power pack I tattoo with. It has a 10 turn rheostat and it goes from 0V to 18V. You can double click the rheostat and have your machine stay on with one click of your foot pedal, or turn it off with another double click and use it traditionally. I include 2 sticky wire holders if you want to have your wires run frontwards like in the pic.
DISCLAIMER: This power pack, as many of the new power supplies coming out does not have an on and off switch. It is always on, and its draw is exactly 1 watt to stay on. Basically nothing. At the end of the year cost for it being on consitently is about .40 cents.